Think about all the different types of gatherings where you’ve enjoyed cigars. So often, the practice we’re passionate about is a social activity. People who appreciate cigars also appreciate connecting, and that’s a big part of what we do at the CAA.
We sponsor and co-sponsor cigar events in Washington, D.C and around the country. These are unique opportunities for members and other audiences to meet, to make valuable connections, and to enjoy being together. Our involvement in events also enables us to present our industry and our members in positive ways to the public.
For members specifically, there’s far more we do to help make vibrant connections. We’re always listening to, communicating about, and responding to members’ needs. We regularly provide useful information – statistical and sales surveys, reports, bulletins and more, all designed to help members in their sectors to analyze trends, determine plans, and make decisions. And communication at CAA is not just one way. Members have a voice, and the opportunity to elect representatives to serve on our board of directors.
But if we’re talking about all the support that members derive from being part of the CAA, this is only the head of the cigar, so to speak. If you’d like to learn more about the full suite of benefits that come from being a CAA member visit our Member Benefits page to learn more.