We know we’re better together, and it’s been that way for over 130 years. The Cigar Association of America is more than a trade association. We’re a community of people with diverse experiences and perspectives who share a love for cigars – and a deep appreciation for the relationships that are ignited by our common passion.
We trace our origins as an association to the late 1800s and the formation of the Cigar Manufacturers Association of New York – at the time the cigar manufacturing capital of the country. From those rather provincial beginnings, we’ve grown into a national network that includes the representation of 45 state advocates.
The CAA helps connect members from virtually every aspect of our industry – cigar manufacturers, importers, online sales companies, distributors, suppliers and more. And we know that each member is making a meaningful difference to a momentous enterprise. The cigar industry is a powerful contributor to the American economy, responsible for hundreds of thousands of quality jobs and billions of dollars in annual revenue.
We love what we do, and we relish the opportunity to support so many in our industry. In the end, you might say that the function of our organization is not so different from that of our beloved cigars. What we enjoy doing at the CAA, what we’re really all about, is bringing people together.