The cigar category has faced significant challenges in recent history, as increased taxation and draconian legislation have threatened our right to enjoy cigars in this country. With potential regulation of the cigar category by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and ongoing state activity across the United States, we are once again facing an uphill battle.
Navigating through a complex and challenging landscape, the Cigar Association of America (CAA) is leading the fight to protect the rights of our members to conduct their businesses without the burden of punitive taxes and excessive regulation.
CAA vigorously represents its members’ best interests and supports the entire cigar industry with a fair and unbiased voice. They play a pivotal role in uniting all parts of the cigar industry to establish lobbying efforts on a federal and state level. Together with our members, we set realistic, achievable targets, and work together to achieve our goal of preserving the category and protecting the rights of adult cigar smokers.
One of the primary functions of the CAA is to educate legislators by providing a perspective that might not otherwise be recognized. As such, CAA ensures that policy makers understand the nuances and multi-facets of the cigar industry, and articulates differences from cigarette companies and other tobacco products. For example, the CAA has called attention to the fact that the U.S. cigar industry is actually small, particularly when compared to “Big Tobacco.” This allows us to communicate that excessive taxation and legislation makes cigar manufacturers and retailers potentially vulnerable to being forced out of business.
Whether at the local, state or federal level, the CAA has a network and relationships in place to swiftly tackle issues affecting the cigar category. In addition, they work tirelessly to enjoin other associations to increase our movement and also build grass-root organizations at both the Federal and State to effect legislation and advocate with regulators to protect the business of our member companies, and adult consumers who wish to smoke cigars.
This effort proactively leverage our influence to affect policies before they are created, oftentimes working behind the scenes to protect the interests of our members. While the CAA has not publicized all of our victories, had it not been for the collective efforts, legislation that was previously proposed on the state and federal level would have had a detrimental effect on the cigar industry.
The current climate for the cigar category is particularly challenging, in light of the leadership change at the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products (CTP). With a noted member of the anti-tobacco crusade at its helm, the CTP is under obligation to issue proposed regulatory guidelines to Congress next month.
At such a critical time for our industry, the CAA is uniquely prepared to protect the future of the cigar category. It is my hope that you consider joining forces with us to combat legislation that threatens to destroy the businesses we have all worked so hard to build.
Dan Carr
Chairman, Cigar Association of America