Market Trends

Market Trends

Cigar Sales Over the Years

Tracking cigar sales in the U.S. over the years reveals some clear trends. In the 1920s, cigar sales peaked at just over eight billion units, but then declined to around five billion by the late 1950s.

Sales began to recover in the 1960s, and by the early 1970s, cigar volumes reached nearly eleven billion units. However, from the early 1970s through the early 1990s, sales dropped significantly, hitting a low of three billion annually. During this period in the early 1990s, the industry’s outlook was quite pessimistic.

Starting in 1996, cigars experienced a resurgence, often described as a “renaissance,” as public attitudes toward cigars became more favorable. Interest in cigars grew, and annual volumes climbed to almost fourteen billion units by 2012. However, there was a downturn from 2012 to 2015, with a 12% decline from the 2012 peak. This drop may have been influenced by external factors, such as the prolonged recovery from the 2008-2009 recession. Like other products, cigars were affected by the extended reduction in consumer discretionary spending.

Cigar Sales 2016 - 2022

From 2016 to 2018, cigar sales grew by about 9%, despite significant regulatory and legislative challenges. In 2019, sales increased slightly by 1%. Early 2020 saw a dip in sales due to COVID-19, but from June onward, sales rebounded, though overall 2020 sales were still lower than in 2019. The second half of 2020, however, showed strong recovery.

In 2021, cigar sales hit record highs, with total volume reaching 15.25 billion. Premium cigar imports surged 25% to 456 million, with the total volume, including domestic production, nearing 496 million. Over the past decade, premium cigars have seen steady growth, with a 5% compounded annual growth rate. In 2021, popular-priced large cigars reached 14.38 billion in total volume, with 37% to 47% estimated to be flavored.

(1) The 2021 sales volume estimate for popular-priced large cigars is based on the MSAi data report for the 12 months ending 1/1/2022.

Cigar Sales in 2022 and Imports in 2023

In 2022, the estimated total cigar unit sales volume dropped by 14%, reaching 13.1 billion cigars. Despite this overall decline, the trend in premium cigar imports continued its upward trajectory, with a modest growth of just over 2% year-over-year. However, imports of popular-priced cigars for 2022 fell by nearly 15% compared to the previous year. By 2023, the estimated total cigar unit sales volume decreased further, down to 11.8 billion cigars.

In 2023, total large cigar imports experienced a 10% decrease compared to 2022. Despite this decline, the premium cigar market showed resilience in the latter half of the year, rebounding to slightly surpass 2022 figures by almost 1%. Specifically, 467 million premium cigars were imported in 2023, compared to 464 million in 2022. After a remarkable 25% surge in premium imports from 2020 to 2021, concerns arose about the sustainability of this growth, with speculation that 2021 might have been an isolated peak. However, as of the end of 2023, it is evident that premium imports have remained steady, with a marginal 1% increase from 2022.

(2) Sales volume estimates for the total cigar market are based data from the TTB Statistical Reports, the U.S. Census Bureau IM-146 Import Report based on U.S. Customs data, the MSAi data report, IRI data, and CAA member companies.

(3) 2023 and 2022 comparative import data is derived from U.S. Census Bureau IM-146 Import Report based on U.S. Customs data and CAA member companies.


This section below includes annual estimates from 2010 – 2023 for the total cigar market sales volume, large cigar volume only, premium cigar volume, and little cigar volume. Sources for the data include the TTB Statistical Report, the U.S. Census Bureau IM-146 Import Report based on U.S. Customs data, the MSAi reporting system, IRI data, and CAA member companies.

Total Cigar Volume

Total cigar volume refers to the estimated total sales of cigars (large and little).

Units in Billions

The total number of estimated cigar sales is measured in the billions of units sold.

Total Large Cigar Volume

Total large cigar volume per year refers to the estimated sales of large cigars (popular price and premium cigars).

Units in Billions

The total number of estimated cigar sales is measured in the billions of units sold.

Popular Price Large Cigar Volume

Popular price large cigar volume per year refers to the estimated sales of large cigars that are machine-made and not 100% tobacco.

Unit Sales in Billions

The total number of estimated cigar sales is measured in the billions of units sold.

Estimated Premium Cigar Volume

Annual estimated premium cigar sales includes domestically manufactured (in the U.S. including Puerto Rico) and imported cigars from the key supplier countries (Bahamas, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and the Philippines).

Import Units in Millions

The total number of estimated cigar sales is measured in the millions of units sold.

Little Cigar Volume

Little cigar volume per year refers to the estimated sales of little (or small) cigars (i.e., cigars classified as weighing less than 3 lbs. per 1,000).

Unit Sales in Millions

The total number of estimated cigar sales is measured in the millions of units sold.


This section compares the highlights of cigar imports between each month of 2022 and 2023. Data originates from the U.S. Census Bureau IM-146 Import Report, utilizing U.S. Customs data, and from member companies of the Cigar Association of America (CAA).

Total Cigars Imported - 2022-2024

(qty. in millions)

No Data Found

Premium Large Cigars Imported - 2022-2024

(qty. in millions)

No Data Found

Little Cigars Imported - 2022-2024

(qty. in millions)

No Data Found

Popular Price Large Cigars Imported - 2022-2024

(qty. in millions)

No Data Found

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